The Results Are In!
In the great 2008 Flaw Freebie Concert Ticket Contest, you were asked to send a suck-up letter to, in which extra points would be given for mentioning the astonishingly good-looking banjo player.
FIRST PLACE (1 ticket)
Donn Cunningham, Pasadena, CA:
Uh...Hmm...Well uh...Let's see...Nevermind, I'll pay the $20.See you there.
Bob S. Hill Jr., Utica IN:
As Murphy Flaw's ONLY Hoosier Groupie - if not its only groupie east of Mendocino - I think it would be swell to get two free tickets to whatever the hell the band is doing because basketball season hasn't yet begun here and my wife needs something with which to light our barbecue.
Joy Felt, Reseda, CA:
Dear Abby, I mean, Dear Flaw,
I’ve never written an advice request letter before so you may find this a bit long. Please do not edit my words of panic. So you see I have this friend and I just don’t know what to do about our relationship. He’s always a bit of a raskal and doesn’t believe me when I tell him that I had to walk the dog and couldn't do my homework . I’ve tried bribing him with chocolate but he’s a curmudgeon when it comes to bribery. I’ve tried being mean by ignoring him, but he simply laughs uncontrollably. I’ve even tried changing my time with him. Alas and alack, I’ve been unsuccessful. So, even though I could easily tell you about my 17 closest friends, and why they deserve a ticket to this special concert as well as my heroic efforts, I still aim to have him be less relentless. My final effort must then certainly be a kindness by presenting him with A-Flat deal where he cannot B-Minor in attitude nor B-Dim’d in in his enjoyment. He might, however, only enjoy a Quarter of the program altho I suspect that Half of his pleasure will be Waltzing to the concert hall to see a bunch of folks Staff(ed) with axes and picks in hand for his entertainment pleasure. It will be grand for the banjo player to C him. I must mention that my friend’s frustration is that I don’t always follow not first extolling the Flaw’s virtues. So, I must mention that the Flaw ...well...ain’t flawed. Ask their following and the judges at the Topanga Banjo Fiddle Contest. They’ve had to defend their many wins and are not likely to step aside any time soon...thankfully! Therefore, 2 little dots do not keep me from refraining to repeat my forte proclamation....for a kool time see the hot stuff of Murphy and the Pickers. With tones in every register and no decrescendo at the end they are certain to delight! Respectively submitted, THE RASKAL (J.F.)
Phil Meyers, North Hollywood:
The banjo player is astonishingly good-looking, but can't hold a candle to the fiddle player. (Does this mean I win?)